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New Jersey
Coalition of Lake Associations

EnviroScape Model: Interactive, hands-on presentations available!

May 05, 2023 11:56 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

As we enjoy our beautiful lakes and communities, we all have a responsibility to be aware of our environmental impact on the watershed and lakes that we love. As members of lake communities that seek to educate children, teens, and adults as to what each person can do towards improving the health of our waterways, the NJ COLA Education Committee is offering resources that can be used to engage and provide stimulating educational experiences using the EnviroScape Non-Point Source Model. Sessions can also be tailored for focused age groups.

  • At the EnviroScape Station, participants will learn about non-point source pollution, or “people” pollution and how each one contributes to lake, stream, and ocean pollution.
  • The interactive presentation will show how we can help stop pollution using an activity that will show how everyday pollutants get into our waterways and lakes.
  • During the demo, questions include:
    • What is a watershed?
    • What types of non-point source pollution do you see in your community?
    • What do you think happens when it rains?
    • How can we reduce or control our contribution to the pollution?

Here is a 3-minute snapshot of what the EnviroScape Model looks like – for more info or to schedule a presentation (about 30 minutes + Q & A), contact us!

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